Saturday, October 16, 2010


Made it, all be it very knackered as hardly slept on plane. Had decent kip last night though (after losing $70 on 1/2 trying to stay awake) although prob should tried to sleep in a bit more today. Dnno wat plan is for today, mayb Wynn noon tourney and an O8 7pm one at Orleans just to ease me in at lowish buyins while i still feel sluggish.


Small Stakes Poker said...

Enjoy it and good luck

Unknown said...

Hey Robert,

It would be great if you'd be willing to swap blog links with me.

Have added you to mine @

GL in Vegas


Anonymous said...

Cheers for yr message and enjoy the trip addict.

Just been watching programme about the worlds most extreme airports. St Maarten comes in at No5.... think I'll give it a miss :) Sounds brill tho..

Laters ggwptyul
