Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Disruption In Sleep And Softwares

Well tribeca, my choice of network for cash tables for the last few months is moving to ipoker from 1 March which also includes excluding all US players from the tables. This will disrupt my cash play without a doubt as this has been my platform for 80-90% of cash games the last few months. Obviously i will try the new network but im unaware whether i will still get rakeback at this time and of course it will be just like changing to any other network i havent played before. If it doesnt work out i will almost certainly try some new sites like absolute poker or ultimate bet for cash games which i havent played before to see if they suit me instead. I have played a fair bit of cash on cryptologic this month clearing bonuses but i dont find it nearly as easy to find the type of table that suits me and often dont sit down when im looking for a table.

Yesterday i ran ok on cash making back more than my $170 paid in tournament entries. Ive been on for an hr or so this morning and currently am $300 up despite being on the losing side of the pot below, not a rant theses people pay my wages in the long run:

3,6$NL 6 handed, utg calls,utg+1 calls and i make it 26$ with KQoff. utg calls and utg+1 goes allin about 150$ in total. its only 125$ for $330 pot and i think im ahead so make the call. Its KQoff vs 9,10off !!! but 2 9s come and i lose the pot :((

Im obviously in a slightly better frame of mind cos i wouldnt be as chilled out as i am after that pot but it comes and goes at the moment. Several multis later pencilled in but im still struggling with jetlag. My 3-4hrs daily snooze at lunchtime has moves to teatime now and i missed playing the mansion 8pm $100k yesterday cos of this. I also have spotted daily $100 WSOP satellites on ladbrokes so may play a few of these sometime soon as the weekly final of $1000 or so is on a weekday too.


Anonymous said...

I find your call with KQ absolutely awful. Even if you think you are ahead is this a correct call? He could be bluffing with A2 here and most often guys play AK and AQ like this which are dominating hands.
If anything i would be pissed off if i pushed here and got called by KQ as its quite a terrible call. Just my opinion, i enjoy your blog and wish you the best of luck...

Anonymous said...

Thx for the comment, i know my blog doesnt reach too many people in cyberspace but i'll assume u r not one of my mates on a wind up and explain fully.

1) The reason i sat down at this 3,6$NL table was the guy utg+1 who i have long notes on about how loose and mad he can play. (as u know 2,4$NL is my current preferred level)

2)99% of the time if this guy has a holding of AJ or better he would be raising after a limper utg, and especially so with any holdings that dominate KQ, eg AK,AQ,AA,KK,QQ

3)once i have raised 26$ and utg flat calls 26$ there is no way in the world i would fold KQ to utg+1 allin as its only $125 more for a $330 pot. I only need to be 38% dog or better to justify the call (utg is tight/weak so he folded as i expected in the situation as i look very strong to him). note $125 is actually a very small amount relative to the blinds for pot odds purposes on 3,6$ with a $600 buying in maximum.

4)In the long run on cash it is important to "roll the dice" on any situation u consider to be favourable (believe me i dont like preflop allins in cash or tournaments but its part of poker) and the outcome in the long term is the most important part. Obviously if i had made a mistake and he had a massive hand i would be cursing myself and thinking how i should have played him differently but in this case i read him for a resteal (which utg might have worked obviously) and made the correct call.

5) My final comment is obviously i wouldnt always raise with KQ here (my play is very variable in cash and tournaments to the point where i make it up as i go along often) but given the weak limpers (both of which i had good info on) and my position it was a raise i would make more often than not. Also my blog yesterday was a classic example of why i created it. Because i played a few different sessions i found it very beneficial to blog some beats out of my system to enable a clear head returning to the tables later on.


Anonymous said...

I play these stakes too and if a player has the balls to resteal in this position he should be able to take u off hands such as KQ.

In cash its important to be the one pushing if your in a marginal spot. If this was a tourney for a portion of your stack then its an ok call. But in cash if your will ing to call $150 off preflop with KQ i think you have the wrong idea on how to play.

I just hate the fact that im calling that much with such a dominated hand. Their are reasons people resteal in this game and in this situation his play should have worked.

I agree you have to roll the dice in cash. But getting your self into these situations you will find yourself coming out on the losing side.

I have talked with other players about this hand and they all agree this isnt the correct call.

You are right im not one of your mates. I just happened across your blog and enjoy it. Good luck at the tables....

Robert "Animal" Price said...

ok i agree to disagree, my notes on this player imply how bad he is and im sorry but i definitely wouldnt use the phrase "balls to resteal". "stupidity to resteal" would be more appropriate in his case. Are you sure u are reading the situation correctly, he hasnt limp reraised, he has limped after a limper then reraised once the limper put more money into the pot to be stolen.