Sunday, June 26, 2011

Vegas Stats / June Loss

-$9,320  mtts   (0/11 cashes,deep in only 3)
-$175  satellite  (test water early but structure redic. fast)
-$2,389 cash (breakdown below)

PL Big O 5/10:  +$2,055  (11 sessions)
PL Big O  1/2:   +$1,415  (12 sessions, often drunk)
PL O8      5/5:    +$1,861  (9 sessions, game not available every day)
PL O8      1/2:    -$    135  (1 session, game replaced by big O)

O8 75/150:        -$5,985  (3 sessions, see prev. post)
O8 20/40:          -$    650  (2 poor sessions near start of trip)

PLO:  1/2           -     850  (1 win, 1 loss, game played a lot higher)

NLH:  1/2          -      100  (1 drunk tired session 1st night to get onto a vegas body clock)

OVERALL TOTAL :-  - $11,884   =  -£7,428 for June (based on 1.6 rate used every month this year)

Any online stuff before July 1st will be included in July profit/loss to keep vegas separate.

Disappointing fail to vegas in terms of making money but lots of lessons learned and confirmed a lot of stuff i already knew.   3rd worst month ever on record (and worst for over 2 years) but im craving online poker so im confident i will bounce back stronger. 

Worrying stuff ive heard from what seemed a reliable source is that lots of others are following the Italy and France model and this could soon include Germany/Spain/Poland and Australia.  Not sure what to believe any more and its just a matter of rolling with the punches as they come and adjusting as best as one can, oh , and keep on smiling :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unlucky out in Vegas, variance is funny old fecker. Hope you get back to crushing online ASAP