Timing could have been a lot worse (eg day b4 EPO open all paid for) but i finally caught this pesky flu. Luckily for me i seem to have recovered a lot faster than my dad and brother who both had the same symptoms. It probably helped getting Tamiflu very quickly having witnessed the others suffering so highly recommend this if anyone reading this thinks they have caught it.
Househunting has reached a disappointing lull with the half a dozen or so i 2nd viewed or wanted to 2nd view either being sold , above what i truly can afford (eg restricting my poker roll too much), or still way overpriced in my opinion.
On the poker front my heads been spinning too much to play last couple of days but have been surfing web looking at possible live stuff for autumn/winter. Im now considering travelling even more than i did last autumn/winter. I can still keep an eye on the housing market but hopefully i can bring in a few more bucks. I think i would rather buy a house i can see me living in for 10years+ rather than sommat im likely to want to upgrade in 2-5 years time.
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