Friday, July 31, 2009

July Review

In the hope i dont play drunk tommorrow i will do most of this now as im busy and probably wont play much if at all during the day. The last week or so has been very steady with not a great number of hours put in on any single day. Most days were £500-£1,500 profits but i did manage a £1,000 loss yesterday before going out on the pop. Today i still didnt play much but action and luck were good and i ended up just under £5,000 up on the day.

After a quick golden quick run at start of July to +£18,000 i went right back down to £1,000 in the hole. I then became more motivated and didnt take things for granted so much and produced a steadier 2nd half of July to finish as shown below.

Final Cash Profit is (see below, edit changed.)


Will edit below if changes or if i take out some buyins for Luton next week i havent decided on yet

Extras not included in above are EPO seat and stake purchased, also Champion of Champions seat in total all worth approximately £3,000.

No expectations for August, no live events if i dont go to Luton. Hopefully just produce another solid month whilst finding a nice house to spend my hard earned cash on. Be nice if the weather resembles summer too.

GL all.

Late Edit:

Did lose £2,000 Friday and ive also decided to buy into Luton omaha and main events for £1,390 so have taken this out of profit too.

Final July Cash Profit : £19,784

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